Giving > Leave a Legacy

Leave a Legacy
Plan a gift that preserves the legacy of U.S. Marine Corps aviation and shares that legacy with future generations.
Estate Planning
If you would like to consider FLHF in your estate planning, we have a guide to assist you as you plan for your future. You can use your estate plan to provide for your loved ones and support the organizations you care about. We also have professionals who can assist you as you move forward in creating a plan for your future and securing an impactful legacy.
Please contact:
BGen Mike Aguilar
Museum Naming Opportunities
There are several naming opportunities available. We encourage you to consider making a significant impact on the exhibits within the Flying Leatherneck Aviation Museum.
If you are interested in naming opportunities, please contact flhf@flyingleathernecks.org
Impactful Giving
IRA Charitable Rollover
These are a great way to reduce your taxes. If you are 70 1/2 or older, you can make a charitable gift of up to $100,000 annually from your IRA. Your gift will qualify for your required minimum distribution (RMD), and you will not have to pay federal income tax on the amount from your IRA to charity. Your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or other retirement plans can be transferred to a charity after you pass away. It is transferred through a beneficiary designation form provided by your plan custodian.
Life Insurance
These involve a written document called a policy, which is a contract. The policy will provide a payout to the policy beneficiaries after the person whose life is insured passes away.
Charitable Remainder
These are an excellent way to benefit yourself, your spouse, or other family members and provide financial support to your favorite charitable causes. A testamentary CRT through your will or living trust can provide income for your family. After all, payments are made to the family, and the remaining trust assets will be given to charity. You may also consider funding a lifetime CRT. You will receive a charitable income tax deduction and trust income payouts.
Charitable Gift Annuity
This is a contract involving you and a charity. You make a gift to the charity in exchange for fixed payments for the life of one or two persons. After all, payments are completed, the charity receives a gift. A gift annuity funded during life provides a charitable income tax deduction and partly tax-free income.
Donor-Advised Funds
Many families find that a donor-advised fund (DAF) is a simple and efficient way to support the causes they care about. Many parents find that a DAF is a valuable tool that can encourage philanthropy by allowing their children to recommend future gifts to charity from the DAF. With a DAF, you can time your gifts to favorite charities. You receive an income tax deduction and may decide on your later transfers to your favorite charities.
Charitable Endowments
You can use your will or trust to create an endowed fund after you pass away. We will invest your gift and use the annual income to support your chosen area of our work. Because we are not spending the principal amount of your gift, an endowed gift can benefit us for many years, enabling you to leave a lasting legacy.